Baby Beers-Pennington's Big Adventure

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Product Reviews October 3, 2010


The prenatal product that I am the most-most excited to review are my Bellybuds . Bellybuds are speakers that attach to your belly and play music to your little one through your MP3 player. There are also capabilities to play pre-recorded messages, but since Jared and I are together all the time, there’s really no reason for us to do that. We simply talk to my belly. However, this is a great option for military parents, adoptive parents, and others who want their baby to “know” the sound of their voice when he or she arrives who haven’t always had the chance for the baby to hear their voice in utero.

Me, in bed, setting up Liam's playlist.

You can start using the Bellybuds 20 weeks into your pregnancy. It’s recommended that you make sure the baby’s awake (meaning you’ve been feeling kicking or movement) so you don’t interrupt his or her sleep cycle and that you play the Bellybuds in hour-long sessions (since most fetuses are only awake 2-4 hours a day). After all, you get annoyed when the neighbors keep you up, playing loud music, so don’t do it to your little one!

Bellybuds retail for around $50.00 ($49.99 at ). The adhesive rings that attach the Bellybuds to your tummy are highly adhesive. And you want them to be. But be ready for the first few times you take the Bellybuds off to feel like peeling off a Band-Aid.

I’ve been using my Bellybuds pretty faithfully for about a month now, and I’m about ready to buy a pack of replacement adhesive rings, which are completely reasonable at $2.99 and available at Bellybuds’ Amazon webstore.

One of the most fun things I’ve done so far during this pregnancy was setting up Liam’s playlist on iTunes. Here I am, showing it off:

Baby Liam's Playlist


It includes an eclectic mix of artists such as Alison Krauss, Neko Case, Buddy Holly, Sam Cooke, The Beatles, The Corrs, Israel Kamakawiwoʻole, and hundreds of other artists. Right now, Sarah Brightman’s version of “Dust in the Wind” is playing. If you’re going to have a baby, he might as well be philosophical a la Kansas.

My favorite time to use the Bellybuds is when I’m home alone grading. That way, it’s quiet time where Liam and I both get to listen to music while I work on the computer. His tastes seem to vary by the day. Once in a while, banjo riffs in bluegrass get him going. He loves when the tempo on “Stairway to Heaven” picks up, and my tummy visibly thumps during the same part of Dexy’s Midnight Runners’ “Come on Eileen” every time. I actually think there’s something about Irish music that he likes because he got pretty active while we were watching Michael Collins last night. It could have been his psychic sense that Liam Neeson was on-screen at the time.

Still, though, Jared seems to be his favorite musician. At an open mic a few weeks ago, when Jared was on-stage singing and playing guitar, Liam started kicking, like, “Hey! This is the guy who’s always playing and singing at home. We like this guy!” (At least, I’m hoping that’s what it was.) 

 Prenatal Products

When I first started writing this blog, I was hoping to find prenatal and baby products to review. This was easier said than done. I realized a lot of prenatal products really aren’t that fun (other than clothes). For instance, vitamins–Woo-hoo! In all seriousness, though, prenatal vitamins are a must. I have had friends recommend some pretty expensive vitamins (which I’m sure are wonderful). I want the best for Baby Beers-Pennington, who, if you’ve been reading the updates, is a boy and will be named Liam Eliot, but I can’t afford $90 a month for prenatal vitamins. I’ve been doing just fine with the $14 a month 
Women’s One-a-Day Prenatal forumla .

My One-a-Day Prenatals with a grape-juice-seltzer-water-spritzer

To be honest, I have heard that the more expensive prenatal vitamins are easier on your stomach, especially during the first and beginning of the second trimester morning sickness. Back then, I really had to make sure I took my vitamins on a full stomach, and my “treat” each day became a giant glass of chocolate milk made with Ovaltine and my prenatal vitamins. I was even going to make a glass for this photo-op but discovered that I’m out of milk. (Here’s to hoping I’m more responsible in 90 days, when the baby’s here!) Anyway, I thought this grape juice and seltzer water spritzer would look nice, too. If you’re so inclined, please imagine a lime wedge atop the glass. If I’d had one, that would have been pretty.




Early Pregnancy Fashions That Seem To Be Working

The more I read message boards on , the more I realize that the trickiest time of pregnancy, fashion-wise, at least, is before you’re ready for maternity clothes but when a lot of your regular clothes may not be fitting (or may be a little snug/awkward-looking). For this reason, I headed out with Jared, a camera, and a few simple work outfits to do an early pregnancy photo shoot for you. I’m not at all a fashionista. I’m not even a girly-girl. These just happen to be outfits that I’m not entirely embarrassed to be wearing, and I thought this might be helpful for some of you. With that in mind, please be kind. It takes a lot of guts to do a photo shoot while pregnant and add it to a blog.

Ah, yes. The proverbial “Bump Sign” picture all pregnant women take. This is apparently what happens after you steal a “Men Working” sign and post it over your bed. *Ba-dum-bum* Anyway, what I’m wearing here is a plum sleeveless turtleneck sweater from Express , a brown fold-over skirt from Old Navy, and brown MBT Kaya Mary Janes.

Here, I’m wearing a short-sleeved Eddie Bauer sweater hoodie with ivory, chocolate, fuschia, and coral stripes, and the same brown fold-over skirt from Old Navy, and brown MBT Kaya Mary Janes as before.

While I file stylishly in my office (yes, a glimpse into some of what I do while I’m incubating Baby Beers-Pennington), I’m wearing an off-white top from Petite Sophisticate (which, unfortunately, I’ve heard has closed) and a hunter green fold-over skirt from Old Navy, and the same brown MBT Kaya Mary Janes as before. See? I told you I’m not a girly-girl. I shop like a guy! If it fits, and I like it, I go ahead and get it in several colors.

I hope that this little pregnancy photo shoot adventure gave you some ideas and that it was helpful.

Please keep coming back for more product reviews, ideas, and tips!

Oct. 1, 2010

Soon, I’ll be reviewing prenatal and baby products. It only makes sense after years of being a book reviewer.

Upcoming reviews include fashion choices that seem to be working for my quickly changing body, food faves recommended to combat morning sickness, and exciting prenatal/baby products like bellybuds . (Baby Beers-Pennington has two parents who are Band Director’s Award Winners. We need to start his/her musical career out right.)

Keep checking back, and I’ll send alerts whenever new reviews are up!


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